Booking está usando el nombre del alojamiento.

A destacar:

Booking utiliza el nombre del alojamiento para anunciarse. Booking me roba el cliente

Me ha pasado ya varias veces:

Tengo un anuncio en un portal (toprural), y ocurre que el cliente, cuando va a buscar mi pagina web, se encuentra con un anuncio de pago de, con el nombre de mi establecimiento y me roba el cliente.

Booking utiliza el nombre del alojamiento
Esta es una busqueda de un hotell en Cangas de Onís, por su nombre.

Y lo peor de todo el cliente no se entera y piensa que está en mi web. Entonces hace una busqueda, de fechas, pensando que está en la web del alojamiento, y booking le dice que no tengo (mi alojamiento) disponibilidad, y le presenta alternativas de la competencia.


Se puede decir que booking se la ha metido doblada al cliente, y a mí.

Y lo hace, paradogicamente, con mi dinero, pues paga el anuncio con la comisión que me cobra de anteriores reservas.

Así pues, booking usa mi dinero y mi nombre para echarme del mercado.

Además de nombre y localización dice: cancelación gratuita. En realidad también a costa del propietario, pues booking no corre con ningún gasto de cancelación, ni siquiera de reserva. Le pasa integramente los gastos al alojamiento, y si hay algún problema, le pasa el marrón al hotel.

Eso sí, son estupendamente hábiles para puntuar el hotel, al modo gran hermano.


La gran cara dura de booking y sus gestores.

Los jueces de algunos paises (Italia, Francia y Suiza) les han obligado a eliminar la exigencia de precios en su politica con los hoteles. Le han dado la vuelta, con toda su cara dura dicen:


First, let me thank you for your trust in and the business we do together. We appreciate our partnership and what you do for our mutual guests every single day.

I would like to ask for a minute of your time to personally inform you of the outcome of the recent agreement reached between the French, Italian and Swedish National Competition Authorities (“NCAs”) and We have decided to extend the Commitments to accommodations throughout Europe so that all of our accommodation partners in Europe can benefit from these changes.

Please accept this letter as an official notification of the Commitments and confirmation and assurance of how we intend to continue to do business together going forward (see below).

Here is a summary outlining the new commitments.

  1. You may set different room rates and offer different conditions and availability on different OTAs

This means you don’t have to offer the same room rates, conditions and availability on as other OTAs. This gives you greater flexibility to manage your offering across distribution channels.

  1. You may offer lower rates or better conditions through offline channels (such as telephone bookings and walk-ins) provided you do not publish or market offline rates online

We have had feedback that our partners want the ability to discount through offline reservation channels without having to give us the same or better rates. From now on, we will not require the same or better rates in respect of rooms sold via offline channels, provided that you do not market those offline rates online (e.g. on your website or on meta-search sites).

  1. There is no restriction on the unpublished room rates or conditions you may offer, provided you do not market those rates online

We understand it may be important for you to offer special rates to your loyal customers through non-public channels (such as closed-user groups) or to negotiate special rates on a bilateral basis (e.g. a special private group discount). Through the Commitments we have clarified this position.

  1. Freedom to market to all prior guests, even if they booked their stay through

We have made it clear through our Commitments that nothing in our agreement with you shall prevent you from directly contacting prior customers of your accommodation, regardless of whether they booked their stay with you directly or through The only thing we would like to ask you is to comply with applicable (privacy and data protection) laws in your contact and communication with the customers.

  1. Parity with your own direct online channels and some availability

Going forward under the amended provisions, you are still contracted to give parity in respect of room rates and conditions offered on your own website (which includes meta-search sites such as Trivago, Kayak or Google Hotel Finder when they redirect the consumer to your own website for booking). As set out above, we no longer require you to give us the same availability as our competitors, but in order to give meaning to our relationship, we require at least some availability in respect of all rooms and room-rate types.

Pursuant to the Commitments, our contract with you is partly changed in respect of the relevant provisions (e.g. parity and direct marketing to guests). The relevant provisions that have been amended as a result of our Commitments (and shall apply pursuant to your continued use of our service) are available through the following link. The rest of the contract remains unchanged.

The Commitments (and the relevant changes to our relationship) will take effect as of 1 July 2015. With your continued use of our service after 1 July 2015, we trust and assume that you accept and acknowledge the changes made to our contract following the Commitments. thinks that these changes are good for your business, our business and consumers: you now have significantly greater flexibility to differentiate room rates, conditions and availability across different channels.

We are pleased with this outcome and look forward to continuing our partnership with you and thank you for your loyal trust, patience and understanding pending the outcome. We will work hard to attract the best rates, conditions and availability that you have to offer on – by providing you better service and terms than our competitors. As always, if there is anything we can be doing to make this relationship work better for you, please reach out to us.

No specific action is required from you. Should you have any questions about this letter, please do not hesitate to reach out to your contact within who will be happy to assist.

Thank you for your continued support and partnership.

Sincerely, BV

Gillian Tans



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